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Making defined-value gifts may benefit your estate plan

Time is running out to take advantage of the current federal gift and estate tax exemption ($13.61 million for 2024). Absent action from Congress, the amount will drop to an inflation-adjusted $5 million in 2026. One way to make the most of the current record-high exemption amount is to give substantial gifts to your loved ones, thus reducing the size of your taxable estate.

However, making certain hard-to-value gifts, such as interests in a closely held business or family limited partnership (FLP), can raise the concern of the IRS. Indeed, if the IRS determines that a gift was undervalued, you may be liable for gift tax (plus interest and possibly penalties). To help avoid an unexpected outcome, consider making a defined-value gift.

Formula vs. savings clauses

A defined-value gift is a gift of assets that are valued at a specific dollar amount rather than a certain number of stock shares or FLP units or a specified percentage of a business entity. A properly structured defined-value gift ensures that it won’t trigger a gift tax assessment later.

The key is to ensure that the defined-value language in the transfer document is drafted as a “formula” clause rather than an invalid “savings” clause. A formula clause transfers a fixed dollar amount, subject to adjustment in the number of shares necessary to equal that amount (based on a final determination of the value of those shares for federal gift and estate tax purposes). A savings clause, in contrast, provides for a portion of the gift to be returned to the donor if that portion is ultimately determined to be taxable.

Precise language matters

For a defined-value gift to be effective, use precise language in the transfer documents. In one case, the U.S. Tax Court rejected an intended defined-value gift of FLP interests and upheld the IRS’s gift tax assessment based on percentage interests. The documents called for transferring FLP interests with a defined fair market value “as determined by a qualified appraiser” within a specified time after the transfer.

The court found that the transfer documents failed to achieve a defined-value gift because a qualified appraiser determined the fair market value. The documents didn’t provide for an adjustment in the number of FLP units if their value “is finally determined for federal gift tax purposes to exceed the amount described.”

The bottom line: Before taking action, contact us to help ensure that your defined-value gift’s transfer documents are worded in a way to pass muster with the IRS. We’d be pleased to help.

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