Welcome charitable pledges — and account for them properly

The difference between financial pledges and donations is relatively simple: Pledges are promises to donate sometime in the ...
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Fundamental differences between nonprofit and for-profit accounting

You may know the difference between nonprofit and for-profit accounting systems, but do your newest employees and board ...
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Restricted gifts: What to do when strings are attached

Brad, the development director of an international environmental charity, was thrilled to learn from a fundraising staffer that ...
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Update on a possible universal charitable deduction

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress temporarily enabled individual charitable donors who didn’t itemize federal income tax deductions to ...
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Making your board retreat rejuvenating — and productive

Perhaps you think a board retreat would be nice to have — but, given your not-for-profit’s tight budget, it isn’t ...
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Don’t let myths and self-doubt thwart your capital campaign plan

It’s understandable if your not-for-profit has been putting off launching a capital campaign — despite having grand plans ...
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Planning an event? Don’t neglect sponsorships

There are many ways to evaluate the success of a not-for-profit event. But for most nonprofit leaders, financial ...
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Nonprofit refresher course: Excess benefit transactions

Most not-for-profit leaders are familiar with the concept of excess benefit transactions and the need to avoid them. ...
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Outsourcing HR tasks can help understaffed, overworked nonprofits

At one time, not-for-profit HR departments might have been responsible primarily for recruiting and hiring and occasionally for ...
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How your board should evolve over your nonprofit’s life

One thing every new not-for-profit organization can count on is change. Ideally, the changes you experience will be ...
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Even a lower-cost benefits menu can help you attract talent

Some job candidates assume that not-for-profit organizations offer lower compensation than for-profit companies do. If your nonprofit has ...
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Cross-training initiatives can get your whole organization in shape

Elite athletes train hard to perfect their performance in a particular discipline, but they also cross-train. For example, ...
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